Performance Tape
Okay, we are going to be offering Hanson tapes with appearances and
interviews. Each tape is $7 each + however much shipping and
handling is. You can send us your own blank tape or send us an extra
$2 and we can get it for you. If you are
sending a check, please make it out to Andrea Barone.
E-mail us if you are going to be sending anything, so we
can give you the address to send it to, and so we
know when to expect it. You can also ask for certain shows if you don't
want the whole tape! Thanx!

Tape 1

And the nominees are....
Greatest moments in music awards history
Where's the Love video
MMMbop video
Mtv News
Jenny Mcarthy
Regis and Kathy Lee
Mtv Movie Awards
Oddville Mtv
Mtv Week in rock
Nickelodeon chewed gum
Arthur Ashe kids day
Motel California
Mtv news
World Series
Weird Al show
Mtv European Music Awards
10 NBC News
Saturday Night Live
Entertainment tonight
David Letterman #2
Good Morning America
Christmas in Washington
10 sec. clip from Dave Letterman
Fox kids countdown
CBS this morning
Mtv '97 review
Acess Hollywood
VH1 best new artist nominee
VH1 record of the year nominee
VH1 talking about the group
MTV live
VH1 nominees best pop performance
Rest of MTV Live
E! best new artist, best pop artist
E! pre Grammy show
Grammy Awards
Conan O'Brien
Entertainment tonight
Kids choice awards
Jay Leno